Home> News> Let's talk about the basic color combinations we can get based on the color wheel
November 07, 2022

Let's talk about the basic color combinations we can get based on the color wheel

Complementary colors are those colors that form a 180° angle on the color wheel. Such as blue and orange, red and green, yellow and purple, etc. Complementary colors have very strong contrast, and in the case of high color saturation, can create a lot of very shocking visual effects.

Analogous colors are three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Similar colors are a very good way to choose similar colors, which can create rich texture and layers in the same tone. Some good color combinations are: teal, blue, and violet; and chartreuse, yellow, and orange.

A triad is also a set of colors. It is a group of colors taken out by creating an equilateral triangle on the color wheel, which can make the color of the work very rich. In the above example, blue-violet and yellow-green can form a very strong contrast.

Let's talk about the basic color combinations we can get based on the color wheel.

The difference between a scattered complementary color and a complementary color is that the scattered complementary color is not the color directly opposite the target color. Take the picture above as an example, the complementary color of yellow should be purple, but we take the two colors next to purple - fuchsia and blue-purple. This way not only can have a strong contrast, but also can make the color richer.

Square color is to draw a square on the color wheel and take the colors of the four corners. In the example above they are: fuchsia, orange-yellow, chartreuse, and blue-violet. This color is really awesome. If you don`t believe me, you can use it to feel it yourself, especially when using one of the colors as the main color and the other three colors as auxiliary colors.

The difference between the square complementary color and the square color is that the square complementary color uses a rectangle. A color combination established by the colors on either side of a set of complementary colors. For the complementary colors orange and blue in the picture above, use the colors on both sides of them to create a rectangle, and finally get orange red, orange yellow, blue green and blue purple.

Warm colors can create a warm feeling, and warm colors are often associated with the sun, fire and love. Red is the color of blood and feels warm, while orange and yellow give people a feeling of summer.

Cool colors also have their own unique meanings, often conjuring things like cool climates, winter, death, sadness, ice, night and water. Cool colors can give people a feeling of calm, tranquility, newness, and cleanliness. Purple is often associated with nobility and looks very restrained.

As a floral designer, understanding color is an essential thing. Colors should be carefully considered and chosen when designing. Different colors can be used to create floral arrangements with different feelings, express the designer's thoughts, and make the flowers more powerful. If you didn't think carefully about the use of color before, you should cultivate your sense of color from now on, and I believe you will see more different works.

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